Note, jack has his own website, full of his thoughts and comments on the world at large. The site address is
Ex-KCS Principal, and in fact the first Princiapl, Jack Funk, has produced another book. I have previously provided some space for Jack to publicize his writings, and this is a continuation of that policy (See further down for notes on Jack's earlier writings). Here are Jack's own words on his latest creation:
is about my life in a Care Home. It is a satirical look at life in a senior
citizens care home. A cheque for $15 will get a book postpaid shipped to any
address in Canada. Costs of shipping outside of Canada are prohibitive. A PDF
copy can be sent for five dollars. Postal address is Jack Funk,
1212 Osler St. , Saskatoon, Sask. S7N OT9. E-mail is
I have been living in the Luther Care Sunset Home for just over six years. In
those six years, I have experienced a sense of community, dedicated and
compassionate care. There is another side to living in a care home which I talk
about in my book 'If You Wait, Someone Will Come' which sells for $15, one dollar
of each sale is donated to this renovation fund. I wrote this book for two
reasons: to demonstrate to myself and others that just because I am old and
disabled, I am not irrelevant. And secondly, I want to jar people out of their
comfort zone in the way that old people are viewed. I want people to think
outside the box. There is life after 70."
The covers are shown below:
I had lunch with Mr. and Mrs. Funk on Tuesday, July 10th., before flying home. While we were talking, I mentioned that people had expressed interest in Jack's autobiographical book "I was younger when I was a boy". I then mentioned that I was resurrecting the page on the website that gives details on how to obtain the book. Jack then told me that the book is no longer available. However, he also mentioned that he has published a greatly modified and enhanced previously published book, "Outside, the women cried".
If you are interested in Jack's works, visit his website, the link to which can be found on the LINKS page of this website. That will also give you an insight into Jack's opinions on a variety of topics.
I presented jack with the card of well wishes from the reunion attendees, something which was very much appreciated. Jack spoke fondly of his years at KCS as being some of the most enjoyable of his teaching career.