Frequently Asked Questions Page

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Table of Contents

  1. I'm not a KCS Grad, can I still participate in this site?

  2. How did this site come about?

  3. Why are there 2 sites for KCS grads?

  4. How can I find classmates?

  5. How can I communicate my e-mail address to classmates?

  6. How do I download some of the pictures on the "photos" page?

  7. How do I search the internet?

  8. How can I contribute material to this site?

  9. What can I contribute?

  10. I can't find my question here. Now what?

I'm not a KCS Grad, can I still participate in this site ?

Certainly you can. As the home page states, this site is for all people who have, or had, anything to do with Kerrobert. The site was originally intended only for KCS grads but it has grown beyond that. Enjoy!

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How did this site come about?

I had not been back to Kerrobert since I graduated, with the first graduating class, from KCS. Fortunately the organizing committee for Kerrobert's 90th. birthday celebration were able to track me down on the internet and persuaded me to come out and join them (I live in Ontario, east of Toronto).

It was a real pleasure to see classmates again after so many years, and realize how much their friendship meant. Being somewhat conversant with information technology I decided to set up a web site to enable us to remain in touch. This site is the result of that decision. It has since been expanded to include all people who may have had a connection to Kerrobert. It is my hope that as the word spreads, more and more Kerrobertans, past, present and future, will sign on and make themselves known to fellow Kerrobertans. The "Contacts" page is intended to provide an index to people who would like to be contacted. The "Messages" forum is intended to provide a means of exchanging news and information online.

The "Happenings" page is is the instrument for disseminating current news such as births , birthdays, anniversaries, and other such events. It will be updated at least once a month, and more frequently if news items warrant it. So be sure to check this page. I would recommend that on your first visit to this site you touch upon every page to familiarize yourself with the contents. then you'll know what to look for on subsequent visits.

Please do take the time to sign the "guest book" and leave any comments you may wish to make.

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Why are there 2 sites for KCS grads?

At one time there was only the one site (URL). However, sometime ago the host for that site was attacked by hackers and the site was down for over a week. I decided at that time to create a duplicate of the site on another host (Mirror the site).

So the contents are identical, and you can visit either, whichever one you find offering the fastest acces.

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How can I find classmates?

Check the "Contacts" page first to see if they are posted there. Failing that, try posting a request on the "Messages" forum asking for assistance. Finally, if all else fails, contact the webmaster. See the home page for contact information.

There are also specialized search engines that you can try. One is the WhoWhere search engine - ( Another is the Switchboard site - ( And you find others by using the terms "e-mail search" in one of the main stream search engines mentioned earlier.

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How do I download some of the pictures on the "photos" page?

See the notes at the bottom of the "Photos" pages.

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How can I communicate my e-mail address to classmates?

See the instructions on the "Contacts" page.

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How do I search the internet?

Find yourself a good search engine and become familiar with its workings. I will set up a couple of the better know ones on the "Links" page under search engines. The two that I use the most are Google and Northern Lights.

Google ( has by far the greatest number of sites in its catalogue. I like Northern Lights ( because it seems to carry more Canadian content than most of the other search engines. Don't neglect the old stand-bys such as Yahoo (  and Altavista (  . To get a better handle on what is available use one of the search engines to search on the term "search engines" (You can leave the quote marks!)

The more information you can provide, the greater your chance of success. For instance, searching on Canada will yield far more hits than searching on Saskatchewan. And searching on Saskatchewan will yield far more hits than searching on Kerrobert. But the hits on Kerrobert will be more relevant if you want to find info on Kerrobert! Better yet, use all three words, i.e. "Kerrobert Saskatchewan Canada".

Note - don't enter the quote marks and there are no commas. This search will help differentiate "our" Kerrobert from Kerrobert, Oklahoma, USA! (only an example!)

If you are looking for topical material, I would suggest looking at a directory service such as Hot Sheet ( This site is full of useful links grouped by topic/subject. Be aware that searching the internet is like peeling an onion - there is layer upon layer of information out there, sometimes enough to bring tears to your eyes! (But addictive!)

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How can I contribute material to this site?

Contact the webmaster as per the contact information at the bottom of the "Home" page.

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What can I contribute?

There are many ways in which you can contribute:

- you can submit pictures that might of of interest to Kerrobertans. Please be sure to provide a description.

-you can provide stories and anecdotes that might be of interest.

- you can help find some of the people listed on the SEEKING page.

- you can allow me to add you to the contacts page (If you haven't already done so)

- you can submit material for the HUMOR page. Keep in mind that I use the material in FIFO sequence. That is to say, First-In-First-Out. So don't be discouraged if your contribution takes some time to appear.

- you can provide links that could be used as interesting sites, or even better, Kerrobert-related links.

- you can pass on word of this site. The more the merrier!

- suggestions are always welcome.

- birthdays and anniversaries are always welcome for the CELEBRATIONS page.

- death notices for the MEMORIAM page.

- corrections/omissions/additions for pages such as FEEDERS and NEIGHBOURS or class pictures.

- suggestions for free software.

- announcements of upcoming events, especially class re-unions.

As you can see, there are numerous ways in which you can help!

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I can't find my question here. Now what?

Contact the webmaster as per the contact information at the bottom of the "Home" page.

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Copyright © 2001 [DIBUCO Consulting]. All rights reserved.
Revised: February 20, 2012 .