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This page is intended to provide you, the visitor, with some statistics on this website. I hope that you will find them interesting. Obviously statistics change over time, so do return here regularly for the most recent info.


This page was updated last on December 28, 2013


Web site started November 15, 2001
Total # of visits 44,864
Monthly average of visits since start-up 308


Volume Statistics

Amount of storage required 32 MegaBytes
# of web pages 115
# of Graphics 500
# of Contacts on the CONTACTS page 125
# of Messages in the MESSAGES forum 149
# of Entries in the GUESTBOOK 182
# of Countries with visitors 52
# of Provinces with visitors 10
# of States with visitors 43


Visitor Stats
Country of Origin State/Province
Australia -
Austria -
Barbados -
Belgium -
Benin -
Bermuda -
Brazil -
Canada Alberta
" BC
" Manitoba
" New Brunswick
" Newfoundland and Labrador
" NorthWest Territories
" Nova Scotia
" Ontario
" Prince Edward Island
" Quebec
" Saskatchewan
" Yukon Territory
China -
Chile -
Costa Rica -
Cuba -
Czech Republic -
France -
Germany -
Holland -
India -
Ireland -
Islamic Republic of Iran -
Israel -
Italy -
Iran -
Iraq -
Ivory Coast -
Japan -
Luxembourg -
Malaysia -
Mexico -
Nicaragua -
Nigeria -
Northern Ireland -
Norway -
Pakistan -
Philippines, The -
Poland -
Republic of China -
Republic of Korea -
Republic of South Africa -
Romania -
Russia -
Saudi Arabia -
Singapore -
Slovenia -
Spain -
Sweden -
Switzerland -
Thailand -
Togo -
Trinidad & Tobago -
Turkey -
Ukraine -
United Arab Emirates -
United Kingdom -
United States Alaska
" Alabama
" Arizona
" Arkansas
" California
" Colorado
" Connecticut
" Delaware
" Florida
" Georgia
" Hawaii
" Idaho
" Illinois
" Indiana
" Iowa
" Kansas
" Kentucky
" Louisiana
" Maryland
" Massachusetts
" Minnesota
" Mississippi
" Missouri
" Montana
" Nebraska
" Nevada
" New Hampshire
" New Jersey
" New York
" North Carolina
" North Dakota
" Ohio
" Oklahoma
" Oregon
" Pennsylvania
" Rhode Island
" South Carolina
" South Dakota
" Tennessee
" Texas
" Virginia
" Washington (State)
" West Virginia