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On a regular basis I receive, or see data that would be nice to share with people. In the past, and infrequently, I have passed this along to my mailing list. I know that this "push" system is not always welcome so I have decided to set up these new pages as a "pull" system. In other words, if you are interested, drop by to see what people believe to be worthwhile sharing. If you have items that you'd like to share, e-mail me.


As always, I am interested in your feedback. Please drop me a line with your thoughts.


When I first started the SHARING page it was as an adjunct to the HUMOR page. But recently I have started to receive so much material that i have decided to split it over several different topical groupings. These groupings are probably going to remain fluid so be careful what you click on.


The (current) pages are:



Health Helpful Hints Philosophy Politics Security Alerts Thoughts Top Ten ... You know when..