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           Celebrations ] Class Index ] Contacts ] Events ] FAQ ] Feeders ] Guest Book ] Humor ] Links ] Memoriam ] Messages ] Neighbours ] News ] Photos ] Seeking ] Sharing ] Software ] Stats ]

This site was developed, and is maintained, by DIBUCO Consulting.

Welcome to the site for KCS Graduates

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If you are a new visitor please sign the guest book, or send me an e-mail.

Like all webmasters, I'd like your feedback!!
Thanks, Richard

Kerrobert Composite School Website

Town Of Kerrobert Website

Kerrobert Kinsman Club

Weather Radar for West Central Saskatchewan

New Visitor? Visit the FAQ page for Frequently Asked Questions (and answers).

Courtesy of Christina Schraefel

Courtesy of Bruce Mettlewsky

Photo By Richard Budel

Note - go to PHOTOS/TOWN to see these pictures in higher quality.

Words of wisdom: (I am going to carry 14 sayings below) The newest one will always appear at the top, replacing the one that drops off at the bottom)

 You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute to
skydive twice.

Since light travels faster than sound, some people appear bright until
you hear them speak.

"God is dead." -- Nietzsche.
"Nietzsche is dead." --God.

Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?

Creativity is the defeat of habit by originality

Love your enemies. It makes them so damned mad.

I have such a good memory that I can't remember the last time I forgot anything.

Right now I'm having amnesia and deja vu at the same time. I think I've forgotten this before

If you keep your mouth shut, you’ll get credit for knowing what you aren’t talking about.

Murphy's First Corollary:
Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse.
Any attempt on your part to correct this will only accelerate the process.

Quantised Revision of Murphy's Law:
Everything goes wrong all at once.

O'Toole's Commentary:
Murphy was an optimist.

The trouble with most jobs is the job holder's resemblance to being one of a sled dog team.
No one gets a change of scenery except the lead dog.

Firestone's Law of Forecasting:Chicken Little only has to be right once.

If you want to see where the visitors have come from during the time of this site's existence, check out our statistics page.

NEWS: I am going to post my comments and observations here rather than on the NEWS page as most people enter the site from this page

9/25/15 If you have visited this site over the past few months you will have seen that there has been very little in the way of updates. My health status is stable but will never improve to the point where I will have the energy to be as active as I was up until 3 years ago. However, since no one came forth to take over, I will try to keep it up-to-date as well as I can. One of the most demanded services has been ro maintain the memoriam page. And I shall certainly endeavour to do that. Also, time-sensitive items such as sports scores will also get my attention. For the rest, we shall see.

The West Central Rage junior hockey club will open their season at home on October 3rd at 7:30 against OCHAPOWACE THUNDER. There is no news about the Tigers efforts to restablish themselves.

The class of '64 was a huge success and I will post pictures as they become available

We are 424 short of reaching the 50,000 visits mark, which is quite an accomplishment for a town with a population of just over 1,000 inhabitants.

On a personal front, the reason for the lack of up dates is the fact that in March of 2012, I was diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer as well as Esophageal cancer. Prognosis was rough, 6 months. I tried to get someone to take over the site but unfortunately no one came forward. Since then I have been providing updates as I was able to. Hopefully that will become more frequent.

Since it has been a while since there was activity on the site, I urge you to check your contact information to ensure that it is still current.

Also, I would appreciate any thoughts or comments that you might have on changes or improvements you would like to see.

Class Reunion News

Greetings Richard,
The Class of 1964 is celebrating our 50 year reunion in Kerrrobert, June 27, 28,29th.  Anyone who who went to school with this class is class welcome to attend. We have a fun packed week-end planned. For more detail contact Lyle Wright .
 Could you please post this on your web site.
Thanks in advance. (Lyle)

Next update will feature a refresh of the HUMOR page.

Want to make this a better site?

Here's how you can help!


I've had people ask me how they could help in the development and maintenance of this site. So here's what you can do:

 1)       Provide items of interest to  schoolmates. Things like weddings, births, deaths, moves, etc. Or events such as sports, theatre, reunions.

2)       Help with finding missing schoolmates (SEEKING page), correcting information (See item immediately below)

3)       Humor/thoughts for sharing with others.

4)      Sharing photos (town scenes, class pictures, team pictures, reunion photos, class-specific items which can posted to a class' page)

5)       Provide missing information. Specific examples:

a)      there are team photos in the PHOTOS section that are incomplete as far as players' names are concerned. If you have any information, it would be most welcome.

b)      missing class pictures (I still have not got a picture for the class of 2004)

c)       there are a number of entries in the NEIGHBOURS section for which I have no information. If there is sufficient information for a community, I am willing to set up a full page for that entry (See the JELLICOE page)

d)      missing entries for  the FEEDERS and NEIGHBOURS pages

6)      More activity in the MESSAGES forum.

7)      Suggestions/Feedback on the website in general. 




Lucille Lowes has been seeking contact info for Shelby Smith, daughter of one of the Royal Bank Managers during the mid to late fifties. Can anyone help in this matter?


This section is available to anyone seeking information. Just send me an email. R


The site is organized as follows.

All main pages are shown on the navigation bar above. Some of these pages serve as indexes to subordinate pages which contain more detailed information on a specific topic. Examples are the class index and the main Photos page, both of which have subordinate pages. To get to a page, click on its name on the navigation bar above.

To keep the content fresh I try to update as many pages as possible on a weekly basis. So visit on a regular basis or risk missing something interesting!

As an overview of what you can find where, let's take a page by page tour:


Activities - a page, which as the name suggests, points to local activities. And I am always looking for activities to showcase here <hint>.  There are subpages to this activity.

Celebrations - an index to the months of the year,  showing  birthdays and anniversaries. Feel free to submit names and dates for inclusion. The actual dates are on the month's individual pages

Classes - an index to pages for specific graduation classes. 100% of the class pages from 1955 to 2005 have a graduation picture, some have more pictures. If there is class-specific information, such as class reunions, this is the place to find it. Feel free to contribute material for your graduation class. I'd be happy to add anything you wish to send to me.

Contacts - a list of schoolmates showing information on how to contact them, e.g. an e-mail address. This is a great way to allow schoolmates to re-establish contact. Please consider adding your information. Drop me an e-mail and I'll glad add your data. I do not add any information without express permission of the parties involved!

FAQ - the Frequently Asked Questions page. If you have a question, look here first for an answer.

Feeders - a list of the country schools that provided students to KCS.  People have started to send me photos and other information. As an example, check the Jellicoe data. Please notify me of omissions.

Guest Book - a place to drop a note to the web master (thanks) and other schoolmates.

Home - that's this page, the normal starting point.

Humor - self-explanatory.  Contributions are always welcome, although publication is not guaranteed.

Links - points to useful/Kerrobert web-sites, as well as a host of other useful/interesting sites. A great place to start your cyber-space explorations. Also a section devoted to interesting sites that are worth a visit.

Memoriam - a list of deceased schoolmates and neighbours. Send me an e-mail for additions/corrections.

Messages - a place to post messages for schoolmates. Please check frequently, and do use it! (You post your own material, webmaster intervention is not required)

Neighbours - a list of neighbouring communities, and where available, some information on the community. Where there's a homepage available, a link is provided.

News - Self-explanatory. Gets updated as warranted, usually bi-weekly. This page also provides an opportunity to post notices/announcements that may be of interest to visitors to this site. There is a subordinate page,

Photos - an index of photo galleries by topic. Contributions/suggestions gratefully accepted. There are sub-pages to this page, so make sure you explore thoroughly. There are several galleries. Be sure to visit them all.

Seeking - a page devoted to finding schoolmates. If you have information on schoolmates listed there, please contact me.

Sharing - items of interest that someone felt should be shared with others. There are several sub-pages to this section. be sure to check them all.

STATS - provides an overview of statistics related to the website. Some interesting numbers here.  Contact me for further information.

Software - a page full of links to useful free software applications. Looking for a program, but don't want to spend a fortune? Check here first!

Anyone wishing to contact me regarding this site can do so via the information at the bottom of this page.

Dick (Richard) Budel, Class of '61


You can send me e-mail by clicking on the mailbox! 

Or call via landline:

Tel: 905-579-5991  Fax: 905-579-6134

Snail Mail:

R.A. Budel

725 Oshawa Boulevard North

Oshawa, ON  L1G 5V1

GPS - 43.91835°N, 78.86429°W

ICQ & AIM: 33795520

Yahoo & MSN: dbudel

SKYPE: dickbudel



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